Thursday, November 22, 2007


Please pray for me this next week as I make my journey to Orlando, FL for certification to be a One Stroke Certified Instructor!!!
I am so excited to get the opportunity to go and learn more of the One Stroke method. Plus meet others that are in the same art market that I am in! I plan to make the most of this trip and come back enlightened and renewed with a freshness that only God can give me.
I have prayed and I have assurance that I will be fine physically and will pass the certification!
Thanks for all of you for reading my blog and praying for me.
I will report more after next week's trip to Orlando!
God bless you all

Friday, November 9, 2007

CERTIFICATION DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been studying hard for Certification Day!!! Haven't meant to ignore my blog. Hope everyone understands.

Please pray for me. The week of Nov 26-30 I am planning to go to Orlando, FL to get certified to be a One Stroke Instructor.

I am so excited! And nervous! Please pray for my shaking knees and cold hands that I may finish with a passing grade.

May God get the glory for helping me through this hurdle of art painting!