Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday afternoon goofing off!

I was just goofing off and painted this Saturday afternoon.  My inspiration for this painting came from my dear teacher, Sandy McTier. But I could never perfect it like her.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This is a clock I bought  making it look like a sunflower for my art studio.  The petals are all hand made of clay by me.  My teacher, Sandy McTier had inspired me to make this from one she had made.Another peep at the valance in my art studio.  I got only part of the room done with the valances.  I went rushing back to the store where I bought them about 4 or 5 weeks ago to get 5 more(because they didn't look full enough) but they didn't have anymore.  One of the girls was kind enough to take my number and is suppose to get someone to check at the warehouse for more.  I'm praying til I hear from her!!!!

Boy, Am I tired! Been working on my studio today!

This is the valance that I chose to go to the top of the window.

At last!!! Blinds for the windows!